Robert Mueller The Fashion Icon -

Thanks to the many Trump scandals and fake news reporting, one of the pleasanter aberrations of the Trump Era, decades from now when the history books of these times have been written, Robert Mueller will be known an icon. But it's happening right now, the emergence of Robert Mueller as a fashion icon and "style icon" in 2018.

It's called fashion, sweetie. Look it up. Those white shirts, they're honorable! Fashion is a reflection of one's self: straight-laced Mueller vs. the "smirk" of Kushner and the "baronial slickness" of Manafort. While some Americans still have questions as to why is Jared Kushner still Donald Trump’s Senior Advisor?

 His interim security clearance was downgraded, he’s unable to get permanent security clearance due to Robert Mueller’s investigation. And Robert Mueller will take down Trump or "I’m counting on Stormy to do it," says Maxine Waters, according to NewsWeek. Thank you for this gem. This is a fun read, though I hope I'm never so famous that folks write about my (mostly bad) fashion sense in the New Yorker.

The question isn't whether or not Robert Mueller will hand down a referral of criminal activity by President Trump, but whether or not the GOP will hold him accountable for committing these crimes. You're right.

According to NBCNEWS - "SNL" portrayed Mueller unable to commit to collusion in "Bachelor" break-up parody". Truly the most depressing few minutes of TV I've ever watched. Robert Mueller meets The Bachelor, are you kidding me! What did you all take from the Robert Mueller sketch on SNL last night? Quite disheartening eh? Do they know something we don’t?

The GOP won't hold the dotard accountable - but the Dems will! We must flip the House AND Senate in November! We must vote like our lives depend on it - because they do!

The clothes that Mueller wears to his witch hunt of President Trump how does this tabloid called mainstream media stay in business do Americans a favor find real news to report not fashion I bet he could get away with light blue, but he's not going to risk his integrity for fashion! The owner of a modest rotation of discreetly striped Brooks Brothers suits, Love it!
