Slackful Videos From Across The Web - SLACKFUL

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         My Best Friends Sweet ASS!!!
When chilling with my Bestie I just cannot keep my tongue to myself. Are you on Instagram? If not, be glad. They decided to get super strict with sexy posts, and even panty shots are being removed and accounts stealth banned. In protest, we're replacing our sexy posts with vanilla ice cream. I never kissed a girl but I gladly tasted my best friends ass.

                  Cardi B on Tax Policy
"Cardi B Is Demanding More Transparency When It Comes to Tax Policy according to"- TIME

Cardi B is getting into tax policy now. I suspect that after the year Cardi B has had she just had to write a big check to the IRS...that leads most folks to want some answers!!! She says she's paying 40% of her income in taxes and wants to know where the money is going..."when you donate to a kid in a foreign country, they give you updates on what they're doing with your donation....I want updates on my tax money."
